Friday, December 2, 2016

Observation Task and Reflection 9a

Observation Task 9a
Activities in a specialist class

Specialist class: (P.E)

Individual\pair group\class
Teacher directed \ Child directed
Drawing and Coloring
Students take the colors to colors the painting they can choose any pictures to color it.
Child directed
In the beginning of the class, Whole the students start running with teacher. 
Teacher directed
The students start playing with puzzle to invent anything.
Child directed
Playing with Shapes
The students start playing with shapes and imagine about something that can make with this shapes.
Child directed
The students create something that can be interesting for them.
Child directed
The students especially boys they are playing by two groups and they kick the ball to each other.
Child directed

"Some Picture"

Reflection 9a

To improve the student's skills the teacher needs some exercise to that can help them to move their muscles. Actually, sometime they don’t need something because they can play and do some exercise without anything but they have some games that can improve the motor skills (fine and gross) and knowledge, for example, drawing and coloring, running, puzzle, playing with shapes, building and football. They like this class because they don’t have to study or do some assessment. they learn teamwork and cooperation between students. At that lesson the teacher have more than 3 classes and they are only 3 teachers and the number of the students will be more than 50 students but the teachers can control them by divide students into small groups. No,she uses the same. Most of the teacher in the school use this strategy “Divide students into small groups”. I enjoy the students when they playing as a group also the cooperation between students was amazing they don’t think about doing something bad only the want to play.

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